Friday, February 12, 2010

Parkways Map

This is a very, very, VERY rough sketch of some of the parkways and trails in Weber County, attempting to demonstrate where the new 2.5 miles of Weber River Parkway will go. It's crude, yes, but hopefully it helps!


  1. Is this MAP of the entire CENTENNIAL TRAIL, all 27 miles of it??

    Where will the BRIDGE cross over the WEBER RIVER? Before or after the TOLL ROAD??

  2. No, it is not all 27 miles of the trail because it doesn't show the connection of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail (BST) and the Weber River Parkway (WRP). Ideally, in place of or in addition to the BST "Connector" would be the actual BST and that would meet the WRP at the mouth of Weber Canyon. However, the missing BST piece belongs to private land owners and we cannot move forward with that section of trail at this time.
    As for the bridge location, the engineering still needs to be done in order to know the exact location. But it'll be somewhere around the border of Riverdale and Unincorporated Weber County.
